Thursday, October 29, 2009

WOD 102609

Personal WOD at My Uni ,

100 situps
100 flutterkicks (4 count)
100 leg levers
(Source: US Tactical /

at 20.12min

that 10 min faster than my previous WOD on this :)

PR broken

after 10 min rest

20 handstand push up
10 sit up
20 squats
20 push up

then Badminton

3 round double 21 points

Body Fat

Here the calculation done 1 week ago

Age : 34

Weight : 78kg

Caliper Method

Chest : 10 inch

Abdominal : 22 inch

Thigh : 16 inch

Total : 48 inches

base on my age i would be 11.1% body fat

Body Fat Percentage Categories

Classification Women (% fat) Man (% fat)

Essential fat 10-12% 2-4%
Atheles 14-20% 6-13%
Fitness 21-24% 14-17%
Acceptable 25-31% 18-25%
Obese 32% plus 25% plus

using this formula to calculate with the measurement

Male, aged 18.55

Jackson, et al.
D = 1.10938 - (0.0008267 x sum of chest, abdominal, thigh) + (0.0000016 x square of the sum of chest, abdominal, thigh) - (0.0002574 x age) Jackson, et al. (1980) Generalized equations for predicting body density of women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 12:p175-182.

WOD 102709

For time of:
10 KB Clean & Jerk @ 24kg/16kg, L&R
50 Double Unders
8 KB Clean & Jerk @ 24kg/16kg, L&R
40 Double Unders
6 KB Clean & Jerk @ 24kg/16kg, L&R
30 Double Unders
4 KB Clean & Jerk @ 24kg/16kg, L&R
20 Double Unders
2 KB Clean & Jerk @ 24kg/16kg, L&R
10 Double Unders

sub DU with squats and CJ at 16kg for form practice

at 14min

I am watching my form a lot now a proper form is important to prevent injury and working the correct muscle group .

This info i got it from my gym blog

The Kettlebell Jerk

The jerk is one of the three main exercises utilized in kettlebell competition(the other two being the snatch and the Long Cycle). Primary muscles involved are the quadriceps, calves, shoulders and core.

The jerk develops strength, explosiveness, endurance, work capacity and core strength. In terms of functionality, the jerk is a fantastic exercise for developing explosiveness in a vertical plane using a short range of motion.

In a kettlebell competition, male athletes will jerk two 32kg bells continuously for 10 minutes. With the goal being to complete as many reps as possible, the competition is physically and mentally challenging as placing the bells on the floor is not allowed during the 10 minutes. The jerk, being a competition lift where efficiency is key, utilizing anatomical breathing is a must. Thus, inhale as the bells are thrust up, exhale/inhale at the top and then exhale/de-pressurize as you lower the bells back to the rack position. Since pacing is important variable in this exercise, you may take several breaths in the rack position and even overhead to facilitate recovery between reps.

Key points:
- After cleaning the bell to a racked position, the bell is accelerated overhead via an explosion of the legs.
- The bell travels upward close to the body's centerline - a different groove from a military press.
- After using initial leg drive to bump the bell upward, add in a second knee dip to get under the weight and lock the elbows.
- The upward movement is finalized with the both the arms and legs locked.
- The arm/shoulder position should be rotated medially(towards the body's centerline) at approximately 45 degrees.

Source : Pushmore

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Navy SEAL entry Requirements fitness /WOD 13/10/2009

• Swim 500 yards within 12:30
• After 10 minutes of rest, perform 42 push-ups within 2:00
• After 2 minutes of rest, perform 50 sit-ups within 2:00
• After additional 2 minutes of rest, perform 6 pull-ups (not timed)
• After 10 minutes of rest, complete 1.5 mile run within 11:00


My target now :) .
WOD 2 13/10/2009 after my injury was

100 situps
100 flutterkicks (4 count)
100 leg levers
(Source: US Tactical /

at 30min 12 sec .

WOD 1 13/10/2009

30 step up L/R
15 swings 16kg , shoulder length , with neck following the kettlebell with all swings
( modified version for my neck slipped disk recovery work out )

at 14min 25sec

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Crossfit training save women

This video prove that crossfit could save women , the intruder sure pick the wrong women to attack :)

Here the link

Click here

this save her life , wonder what would have happen if she could defend herself