Friday, June 20, 2008

Something i would like to share

A quote which i read in Anthony robbins book Awaken the giant within .

I notice a lot of people have this problem

Think for a moment . Is there a difference between being interested in something , and being committed to it ? You bet there is ! Many times people say things like , "Gosh, I would really would like to make more money , " or "I'd like to be closer to my kids," or "You know , I'd really like to make a difference in the world." But that kind of statement is not a commitment at all . It's merely stating a preference , saying, "I'm interested in having this happen, if i don't have to do anything ." That's not power! It's a weak prayer made without even the faith to launch it.

Not only do you have to decide what results you are committed to, but also the kind of person that you're committed to becoming. You have to set standards for what you consider to be acceptable behavior for yourself, and decide what you should expect from those you care about . If you don't set a baseline standard for what you 'll accept in your life , you'll find it's easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or quality of life that far below what you deserve.

Well this will go on and on but the point i am trying to say is the statement in bold . Stick by it no matter rain or shine , don't give excuses .

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